Wednesday, 30 April 2014


Samatan fete, renowned around here for it's extensive livestock market. They had all sizes here from quail to camel. Machinery from cherry pickers to lawn mowers. Independent stalls selling artisan crafts from leather necklaces to saucisse, wine and cheese, and a vide- grenier that we were yet to find.
Food and fun for all including a fair for the younger ones .

young donkeys observing the mayhem
interesting wildfowl
vast undercover market

Here there is lots to see, Doves, Pigeons, Guinea fowl and Rabbits all in different fanciful plumage. Some are definitely not destined for the play pen which is sad and some are just to cute.
it is fascinating for all alike, i did not imagine there were so many breeds of pigeon, hen and ducks
some very individual. This is the middle bit, shown above, on the outer rim we are flanked by  handsome horses, small and large. Camels and llamas and on the other alongside beautiful majestic cows and bulls
big boy's machinery
i am not a fan of poodles, but this one is to cuddly

Yes they even had a whole tent of gorgeous looking pups for sale including a Labrit. Arrghhh you hear me cry no more puppy pooping, the house is in shreds...but she is cute. 
One Labrit is definitely enough i can't take anymore destruction, just as well i love her. I can see small children hanging on mummies arm ( i was there once too) "can we have one, he /she is so sweet'...but for how long, having chewed their favourite possessions and yours. You need a lot of love and a lot of patience and tolerance.
majestic bull
wish i had eyelashes that looked this good
lovely horses, Hispano- Breton?
Belgian hare, pretty in chocolate

capturing the moment
some piglets are too cute
one of the many enticing food stalls
Apologies that the above shot followed the cute piglet, unhappily that it is the reality and the sequence in which it was photographed. However that is the one and only food stall because i now have a flat battery in my camera and have not remembered to take my reserve. 
Next we did the vide -grenier which wound it's way round some pretty backstreets. Fate came into play and peeking by two letters both author and title was a reading book that we had been asked to find
to read in our french class, in fabulous mint condition. Albert Camus, L'Etranger. It really made my day!