larroque church from the walk down to the lac |
Wednesday, my de-brief for the next five days, and my second post as rural house sitter. This time it is at a small holding in Larroque, some ten minutes down the road. Liz has kept pigs, geese, ducks and hens, but these days it is just the geese and hens. There are two pens of geese, six of the twelve are last years youngsters and are kept separate. There are also two cats, one rather elderly called Smudge the other a younger cat called Carime. Last but not least is a very friendly lab type dog called Alice, whom Milou and i have met many times on our walks around the lac.
We walked around the house inside showing me where various things are housed. After that, around the pens outside, seemed easy enough.
hen bunks! |
On my Thursday arrival in the afternoon, i settled in, looked around tried to figure out how to work various things as the instructions did not seem to be working? including the Internet which took some time to resolve, and a telly i could not resolve. Not a problem as we do not watch much at home. Only videos and some chosen documentaries to try and improve on our french. I fed the geese with a brew of food that had been soaking in water during the day plus a few old brussels sprouts that i found and then locked both broods in for the night. She has an elderly cat that is trying to acquaint herself with her main house cat Carime but they are not on purring terms. So at the moment Smudge eats her food in the attic and the other one eats in the utility room with Alice. After this i light the log burning fire (the only source of heat) in the lounge, other than a parrafin heater or an oil burning rad. Then i fed myself roast chicken leg and salad, feeling slightly guilty even though the leg did not belong to any of my charges outside.

a few of my brood
However much later that evening, even though the day had been bright and relatively warm the big chicken in me, got the better of me. For a variety of reasons, i called on Marc for rescue and a warm bed. I would get up very early for the next five days, to let the geese and the dog out, and would care for them all throughout the day...but at night ...just too cold.. sadly to stay.
In the morning we left early, i let the young geese who are separated at the back out first and then the older ones at the front...the hens are free to roam.
morning release for the geese |
I let Alice out to caper with Milou whilst i made goose porridge for the evening feed and a cup of tea for Marc and I before bundling both Alice with Milou (a first) into our boot. Alice has adopted parents who like to walk her most days around the lake at three, so today she was getting two walks, but as Marc had to drop me off, and walk Milou it made sense for us too both do it together, i don't think Alice was complaining.
the lake, looking misty and mysterious |
pom pom and milou in full flight |
quick conversation between the three of them |
When we got to the lake that misty morning, all was calm until Pom pom a boisterous and very lovely collie joined us. He loves both the girls so that was not a problem. Halfway round the lake we met somebody with two dogs straining on the leash...pom pom does not like dogs on leads, along with people running, people on bikes, sometimes cars and the odd motorbike. So he decided he did not like what was going on and Alice and Milou joined suit. Five minutes later all under control but the lady with the two dogs on the leash, was not happy.
Later on after Marc had left and well into midday it was warm enough in the sunshine to sit outside with my lunch of smoked salmon and egg salade. This was the pattern for the next few days, but it still turned cold by early evening.
In the afternoon i went for a wander with my camera with Alice in the grounds that surround the house, mountain views superb today, and again a very bright afternoon.
bright beautiful January day, bathed in sunshine as the day went on |
here is carime and one of the hens enjoying the same sunny spot |
Later this evening Laura came around for a chat bringing a rather nice Spanish red with her, it was great to see her as always and a nice interlude in an otherwise fairly solitude existence. Marc as always, rescued me at about nine-thirty pm.
i just want to tell you something.... |
all wandering down for a morning swim |
I have observed...that geese have impressive alarm clocks as well as alarm calls, they seem to like routine and know as well being fed and locked up in the evening when the should be let out in the morning. They are already waiting and a tad impatient if i am ten or fifteen minutes late. I was even a little scared of them in the beginning as they would hiss and spit at me when i went into their enclosures to feed them. One of the hens is laying me a daily egg which i have been enjoying with a piece of smoked salmon and salad for lunch, very kind of them.
This morning when Marc drops me off there is magnificent light on both the landscape and mountains, it can only happen in winter and different every time. This morning i tripped over a dead weasel in the hallway and discovered a dead rat in the swimming pool...not so lovely, disposed of both.
The geese were let out and we went for a walk with Milou, Alice and Pom Pom, the afternoon was foggy and cold. Alice and i decide to venture out on in the afternoon because Klaus and Elvira are not coming today. The fields were covered with hunters with guns and as it was fairly grey and miserable we did not get far before turning back. I had a fire lit for most of the afternoon and well into the evening, still very cold. Even Carime was staring at the fire as if she could not get close enough!
god, is that the best she can manage....not much of a fire? |
This evening i hand-scripted a recipe and played around on the computer until Marc rescued me at nine.
I got into a routine, which in a strange house can take a few days, and all of my charge i became very fond of...even the geese
alice and carime bidding a fond farewell |