Lost relative of forty seven years contacted mark on face book on his birthday at the beginning of September last year. Mark has not seen her since she was three months old when he was the grand old age of thirteen. When her family made him, her official godfather, at this point he did not know how things would turn out or even what was expected of him.
After six months on messaging/face book to Mark, she said she would like to come over and meet us. Mark asked if this was ok with me, she sounded nice whenever we had had a brief conversation so i said yes...especially as he had had very little connection all his life with his mothers family and relatives in Italy. More messaging followed, she asked if she could bring a present typical of Sienna, Italy. We both said no, just bring yourself. Later i relented and asked for a small wedge of Parmesan, i do not know what Mark said except that he repeated that we would just like to meet his cocina and she did not need to bring anything!
The date of the first of April got nearer and nearer, bearing in mind we have all been talking to each other only since September. Mark and I have conversations about where our new guest will be most comfortable and where to take her, what to eat, lots of over thinking.
a bouquet of flowers from the wonderful Suzanne, in Mirande marche |
A busy week, trip to Spain, a big shop and some work for me.... April the first arrives a flurry of getting the house ready, and off to Toulouse for a 5.30pm pick up...interesting because i don't even know what she looks like, a fleeting glimpse of a photo. We wander round the pick up area like two animals on the prowl most of the the flight have been through, we are worried because she did not have a direct flight here, could her baggage be somewhere else? suddenly a slight lady with a huge red suitcase trundles through and mark recognises her big hugs as he realises a long lost cousin or Figlia di Dio. Already i like her, warm and friendly, animated as we leave the airport telling us about her trip. Loredana also has not travelled abroad since her teenage years so quite momentous for her also on top of everything else.
Mark takes care of her case and puts it in the boot, it is very heavy. We talk all the way back to ours which is just under two hours from Toulouse. The weather forecast for the next three days is not good and looks dull and grey, but Loredana seems keen to take in all the countryside. Mark struggles with the case up our stairs, i take it the last two and think silently to myself, what the hell has she bought with her. All is explained an hour later, huge amounts of very very generous and extremely thoughtful gifts, from all kinds of different food from Parmesan, ham and panoforte too name just a few. Chef hats, pasta cutter a photo book and a beautiful sketchbook for me bound in handmade Italian paper, wow.
I did what i do with most of our guests on a first night as Loredana has had a twelve hour journey to get to us which is to make them feel welcome with a glass of something and a cold platter of meat and cheese. There is a lot of catching up to do...but we have ten days. Mark is tired also from the four hour drive.
Sunday it is very overcast and somewhat chilly after the previous week, we decide to take it easy with a light lunch and a walk around the lake in Puydarrieux
. Milou is also smitten with our new guest and visa versa.
Monday we decide to take Loredana to a market, Mark and Loredana want to make pasta this week and there is an Italian stall on the market that just might sell 00 flour, a fine grade flour used for making pasta. Sadly they do not sell it but she enjoyed an Italian chat and we came back with tomato sauce and some fresh ravioli, which we had for lunch, they were excellent. We bumped into Jackie, Bill and Elvira and had a brief chat, Loredana swung into german with Elvira, her english is excellent also! In the afternoon a petite promenade of our village.
Tuesday we went to Monlaur bernet, the weather is still partially pants. I drew up the top and then Mark and Loredana walked Milou further whilst i became official family photographer of a group of french people, twenty odd all sizes and shapes who were sharing a picnic. In the afternoon we did a tour of our lac and then made torta rustica to take to A'Belles. Lovely rustica, confit and dancing avec Geoff!
Loredana made her tortica rustica with a base of pate brise (there can obviously be lots of variations on this theme) laid it out on a big quiche tin and pricked all over, soft cheese that melts we used hamburger cheese. Meanwhile cook some spinach as you will need to let it cool and take out the moisture. Back to the tin, ham, salami or prosciutto, we used ham. Final layer spinach (squeezed out but put in a bowl with one mixed egg and a tiny bit of milk. 160 degrees centigrade, 40 mins in the oven or whatever it says on the pastry instructions and we have a Torta Rustica!
comfy before the confit at Annabelle's |
Annabelle and Loredana comparing notes/pictures
Lots of dancing good food and company going on, Geoff was fun as always, Annabelle warm and generous as always, then home to warm beds.
Another market, still cold and grey in Boulogne but a pretty walk around the picturesque lake and park and an attractive viaduct. I like this market as well as Mirande and Bagneres, all three are favourites including our very own of course.
A few purchases were made for lunch and the evening meal.
Floredana amongst the Azaleas |
Boulogne-sur-Gesse lake |
Wednesday afternoon and the mafia are in my kitchen, Bossedana has taken over. It is funny after only a few days Mark and Loredana fight and bicker like old lost friends or even a brother and a sister. They are making artichoke ravioli, M has found a recipe it will then have a truffle cep oil and sliced truffle (kindly supplied for Christmas by my little bro and wife...ok english???truffles) a long process for Loredana, our machine had packed up and we are using AB's brand new machine straight out of it's box.
Marcobaldo is in his element... (loredana's nickname for her uncle)
the mafiosa in my kitchen? now i am
scared? |
Chefs hats were individually scribed by Loredana, very impressive for any cooking we did together.
Today the pasta!
chef wars and who can take the best selfie, |
sorry about the shot guys... could not get the staff that day |
Thursday as it had been raining all day we needed somewhere nice for Milou, her birthday, and of course Loredana to visit. I thought the Gorge de Save would be a beautiful and dryish bet for both. Although it looks cold it was warm in the sunshine. Mark proposed our scooters for Loredana and me which are always good fun and it is just about smooth enough to ride down there.
the gorgeous Gorge de la Save by scooter |
old chapel at the start of our walk and scoot |
Loredana... in the cliffs are alive mode |
the beautiful purple toothwort, found along the riverbanks at this time of the year |
Milou on her quatre anniversaire xxxx Happy birthday Milou |
...everything looking so new and fresh |
wild hyacinth, different to uk bluebells? |
On Thursday evening we had a mini dinner party avec the fresh pasta and Chris Cook to celebrate Milou's 4th birthday, she had rabbit liver...she definitely enjoyed and i think our guest enjoyed homemade ravioli with a cep and truffle dressing with magnificent parmesan cheese, i certainly did!
Friday despite the wind up from the previous night re taking Loredana for fish and chips in France The french love it also) it was a success, there were twelve of us booked at les Arches, we had a warm welcome from both Corinne and Max and the fish and chips were excellent...i however stayed clear of mushy peas, only recently have i been persuaded and like petit pois, but that mushy peas are a very different ballgame. After a very filling meal including wine, starter and pud we needed to unwind with a bit of pitch and putt next to the lake. We managed to persuade Hugo to join us the others had different agendas for the afternoon. It was not pre-planned so that was fair enough but the four of us had a great time. Towards the last few holes Mark did try and take Hugo's head off with an excellent pitch that went awry just missed his head and cleared the hedge to the road.
pitch and putt at Boulogne |
Hugo blocking the holes, hoping that Loredana would not notice
Towards the last few days the weather has really perked up, from cold and raining to warm and now hot. After a quick debut of Castelnau marche we decided that a picnic in the mountains was in order. So armed with bread, rose and pizza from the market, i put some salad together and we were set to go.
the beau col d' aspin
Wow what scenery, it was definitely worth a few gasps from me to get to the top, i do not like windy roads that are almost single tracks and with no barriers but what a place to picnic! set up tables and chairs at a most beatific point.
great scenery |
does not get better than this!!!
After our picnic Loredana, Milou and i headed into the mountains for a walk in the still fresh snow. Milou loved it, running up and down in joyful abound, snow ploughing with her nose, true mountain dog. It was very funny to watch sometimes her feet would hardly touch the snow, then she would stop and flatten herself on it too cool down. It was a great day out and we finished it with a quick look around Arreau.
On Sunday the last day of the holiday mark wanted to take Loredana to a fancy restaurant, i sighed and said she has not had anything typical of our region and we have eaten Italian all week...very nice. Mark booked Thierry La ferme auberge du lac, authentic gascogne food mainly his own produce ie duck. We had a lovely lunch and Loredana insisted on treating us...luckily Mark knew that this fight he was not going to win. After that a mooch around our village and home to pack. I managed to buy a small present from us and install it in her suitcase before the trip to the airport the following day. Sad to see her go.....but she is coming back. Ciao Bella x
Milou loving the snow |
just magical |
finis of our mountain tour was the picturesque village of Arreau |