Wednesday, 3 April 2013

easter special

At Easter we had a family get together, generously hosted by Rosemary, my aunt, at Swaylands in Penshurst, Kent. Rosemary with the aid of various family members put on a very generous feast for eleven people, including a choice for main course and five puddings to devour along with canapes cheese and chocolate truffles. It was great to catch up with everyone. My brother and family have lived in Houston, Texas for ten years and although they have been back for the last three, we have not seen much of each least we are not moving quite that far away, and we certainly hope they will visit and visa visa.
Sadly my other brother, Jonathan, was not feeling well and could not make it.

from top left, Joel (i am taller than mark b) Marc b, my dad
bottomn row, Mark s my bruv, me, Anna (i could embarrass
my parents, if they annoy me too much) and mum Beccy
After that lovely food we felt it necessary but unsuccessfully to walk it off in the beautiful grounds of Swaylands. The rockery is the second biggest in Europe it also houses a memorial bench in memory of my lovely uncle Alan who sadly died in february last year.

cameras at dawn!

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